Monday, June 22, 2009

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system...

Hello internet!

My name is Eddie, so nice to meet you!

I have decided to follow in the footsteps of my lovely wife, Amy, and start a shiny, new blog of my own! I love the act of writing, but suck at the art of it. So what better place then the internet to do it? I don't have to worry about things like spealing (see what I did there, I proved a point!), grammer or proper language use, its like Mogli living in the jungle with all the animals. They think hes speaking perfect english, when in reality hes speaking portugese (that made alot more sense in my head).

Obviously I am not near as cool as my wife; chances are she is the only one actually reading this. Hi Honey! Have I mentioned how pretty you are? Don't forget to cook a pizza for me before I get home! Yeah, I see you there baby, shaking that as... o... I'm sorry. I forgot that other people might be here.

So anywho, I plan on using this little piece of virtual real estate to rant and rave about all the things in this world which are cruel and unjust and which I hate with a burning, fiery, passion... for example, what the hell is up with... stuff. Stuff sucks and we as a people shouldnt stand for it! Viva la resitance!

Ok, so I don't really have anything to rant about yet... BUT I WILL! I guess you'll just have to follow me to find out what I (and you by extension) should be furious about!

I may be back with more later, if you treat me nice.

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