Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A little about your host...

Blogging is hard.

I'm only on my second post since the creation of this little thing, and I'm already drawing a blank on what I should talk about to please the seething masses.

Why did I start a blog to begin with?

O yeah, cause I'm a giant attention whore. That is only ONE of the reasons though (I'll admit though, its a big reason). Another is that I need something to do at work cause lord knows there sure as shit isn't any actual work to do around here.

I'll walk you through a typical work day here at the hotel:

5pm: I arrive at work.

5:20pm: The boss leaves.

5:25pm: I pull out the laptop. Proceed to think of new things to look at on the internet

11pm: I go home.

Rinse and repeat five to six times a week. Add in the slow, agonizing death of my soul, and you now know what it means to be me at work.

Don't get me wrong, my life is wonderful. I have a hot, brilliant, wife who actually thinks I'm funny (sometimes), a beautiful baby... something... on the way, and I love and get along with my family who lives in the area.

It's just that six hour section of the day (hotel is too cheap to give us all full shifts right now) that I spend sitting my ass in a seat at the hotel that makes me want to pull my eyeballs out with some rusty tongs. And yes, I know, worst run-on sentence ever, Mr./Ms. Literary work of art writer, just remember... I'm not paying you to think.

But I guess thats why they call work, work. Work in latin means: "To slowly cut ones testicles off with a dull spoon."

I read that somewhere... in a book. I'm pretty sure Jesus said it.

But yes, if anyone has any suggestions for things that I could look at on the vast internets; I would greatly apprecieate it. I'm to the point now where I just cycle through the same four websites, praying that there is something new to look at when I refresh them. I don't know if you have ever gotten to that point of boredom, but I'm pretty sure its what happens to you on the third layer of hell.

I'm gonna run off now, and refresh those four pages... maybe something new will pop up that I can actually talk about!


  1. Your horribly boring job is the perfect opportunity to make a hilarious and interesting blog, apparently.

    And for the record, it was Jesus who said that. I've read the book.

  2. Alright Eddie, prepare for a link fest !


    Angry Video Game Nerd. Updates about twice a week, but if you haven't seen all his stuff then you have some watching to do, cause he has a lot of great stuff.


    This guy has really grown on me. Its a huge site, and I only watch the Nostalgia Critic. Have no idea of the other dudes but he comes out with stuff every week.


    You should know what that is. If not, I'm stabbing you next time I see you.


    Updates every week (Wednesday) and is really goddamned hilarious.


    Random site for random videos. Updates daily.


    Tons of great animation on the site.


    Site with tons of articles and hilarious videos. Updated daily.


    If you're looking for something more intellectual, TED talks are the way to go. Tons of videos on a myriad of topics.


    Jason's blog. Updated when he is not lazy.


    My blog. Updated when I'm not a complete waste of life.


    Sketch comedy troop. Featured on Cracked.com, this is their site with all their videos. Michael Swaim is a funny bitch.


    Another sketch comedy troop also featured on Cracked.

    And here are a list of channels I check multiple times a day:

    http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=ashens&view=videos (reviews of tat)

    http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=jonlajoie&view=videos (funny music vids)

    http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=QualiaSoup&view=videos (informative)

    http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=potholer54&view=videos (really informative)

    http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Potholer54debunks&view=videos (same dude debunking shit)

    http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Thunderf00t&view=videos (probably the smartest guy on youtube)

    http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=richarddawkinsdotnet&view=videos (Richard Dawkin's channel)

    http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=TheAmazingAtheist&view=videos (currently suspended because youtube is gay, so no updates for a while from him but he is funny and has a ton of vids)

    http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=coughlan666&view=videos (another pwnage guy)

    http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=JamesRandiFoundation&view=videos (awesome old dude)

    http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Desertphile&view=videos (really fucking weird guy who is smart and oddly entertaining)

    http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=patcondell&view=videos (hates religion, as does most of these fellas)


    Funny shit on here as well.


    If you wanted to scour the bottom of the internet barrel and learn about all the shit 4chan has brought us, here is a nice database of all that shit. Some have videos explaining the history of memes too.


    Maddox' site. Fucking hilarious. Hasn't updated in forever but if you are new to his site he has a bunch of articles to read.


    Funny flash animations, however its all family friendly, unlike newgrounds which CAN be family friendly, or there could be tons of dicks flailing around. Depends on what you click on.

    And there you go. From one bored person to another, I hope now that you have more stimulus on those dull nights.

  3. Shit, meant to say that Cinemassacre updates ONCE every TWO weeks. Not twice every week lol.

  4. Here's a few (you'll know 'The Onion' so i've not included it)

    The Daily Mash is a British satirical online newspaper, like the Onion, only British.

    Random Quotations has some interesting and amusing quotes.

    Strong Bad is a cartoon character whose repertoire includes such classics as Trogdor the Burninator.

    whatreallyhappened.com is political and has some very controversial views on what actually happened from ancient history to the present. (Some people might see them as conspiracy theories but i think there might well be some truth in at least some of them)

  5. "Work in latin means: "To slowly cut ones testicles off with a dull spoon."

    I read that somewhere... in a book. I'm pretty sure Jesus said it."


  6. i'd like to see a blog taking a closer look at the different classifications or types of persons you deal with while working at the hotel, kinda a concise follow up to the discussion we had regarding this. I think it would be hilarious!

  7. Good idea! I'll start the prep work tonight.
