Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Who's a big fat liar?


Many moons ago, an oath was made to the pagan gods of rock. I asked them, as their humble servant, to fill me with the awesome blogging powers of EL DIABLO (that's Spanish... for the devil). In exchange for being filled to the brim with the dark masters bubbly awesome...ness I had to agree to continue to rock out with my socks out here on my little corner of the Internet. Guess what I immediately went and did instead?

That's right, get obsessed with Fable 2. Though I did manage to amass a virtual real estate empire worth MILLIONS of gold, it was not what the dark lords asked of me, and lately I could just feel the awesome oozing away from me... and oozing awesome should be a one way street, hopefully you can guess which way.

Ok... so... none of that happened. Well, Fable 2 obsession did, but the whole being filled with the powers of Satan... not so much. Not that I haven't tried, I hear he's a pretty cool guy once you get past the whole "I want to consume your soul with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti." thing. He just wont return my calls. I think our Ouija board may be busted.

Truth is, I got lazy. I got lazy and forgetful.

As anyone who knows me can tell you, and if you don't know me... why are you reading this? Do I have a Internet stalker? Are you hot? A/S/L?

Uhhh... yeah as I was saying, two of my most endearing qualities are that I am lazy and forgetful (but in a O so adorable way), so chances are I won't take out the trash, I probably will forget to do the dishes, and I may or may not take a shower. Life is just more exciting when you don't know whats gonna happen! Every day is a new surprise of failure and regret and it is wonderful (I exaggerate for comedic purposes here... I have a wonderful life, and I am a very responsible young lad with very pretty, clean hair) never knowing which way things will go that day.

So it may not come as a shock to many of you that this little blog fell by the wayside. Some may say it is even ironic (not Alannis Morissette ironic... the real ironic) that the last post to this blog was extolling my renewed sense of enthusiasm towards keeping up on this here thing.

Well screw you people for not having faith in me to do it! I blame you for the downfall of the blog and for all the evils currently plaguing society! Kroc's... your fault and you know it.

If there is one characteristic about me that outshines all others... I am competitive as all hell. My future sister-in-law has started her own little Internet garden, and my wife continues to work on her forever more popular then mine blog as she always has.

I refuse to let them live in the limelight, your love and adoration belongs to me!

So... expect more (complete) top ten lists... some in-depth video game reviews and the random crap that just tends to spew from my brain.

Prepare to sit back, shut up and enjoy the god damn view or I swear to god I will turn this blog around!

(So yeah, expect more posts from me... and leave me a little love if you do read... comments make my day)